Visions of Daniel

Papers and Articles


Papers link

The Sexual Revolution--The Scientific Revolution Déjà Vu

Daniel in the Lions' Den: Encounter with Dr. Robert Gagnon

What is the Spiritual?

Sex as a Spiritual Experience

The Nature of Spirituality and Its Connection with Sexuality

Extraordinary Religious Experiences

How is Meditation Prayer?

A Down-to-Earth Approach to the Psychology of Spirituality a Century After James's Varieties, The Humanistic Psychologist, 33 (2005), 69-86.

"God" in the Brain: Untangling Neurology, Psychology, Spirituality, and Theology (paper presented at American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 19, 2005)

Treating Spiritual Issues in Secular Psychotherapy, Counseling & Values, 45 (2001), 163-189.

Rejoinder and Clarifications on Helminiak's (2001) "Treating Spiritual Issues in Secular Psychotherapy," Counseling & Values, 45 (2001), 237-251.

Religion and Global Community: The Human Core of Spirituality: Basis for a Global Community (paper presented at World's Religions after September 11: A Global Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on September 14, 2006).

Common Humanity and Global Community: Lonerganian Specification of Maslowian Promise (paper presented at the 2009 convention of The American Psychological Association)

Click the play button to listen to my lecture at the Georgia Psychological Association, June 24, 2005:

"The Challenge of Religiously Induced Ego-dystonic Homosexuality: Effecting a Spiritual Reverse-Copernican Revolution." [ego-dystonic means personally unacceptable and distressing]

A Statement of Spirituality

My Frustration with the So-Called "Christians"

Foreword to Patrick Chapman's Thou Shalt Not Love: What Evangelicals Really Say to Gays

The Evil of Homosexuality: Fact or Fiction?

Modern Science on Pain and Suffering: A Christian Perspective, Spirituality Today, 38 (Summer, 1986), 136-148.

Colloquy: A Response to Sister Kathleen McDonagh. Spirituality Today, , 41 (Summer 1989), 160-165.

FAQ: Catholicism, Homosexuality, and Dignity (a pamphlet)

Policy on Gay Seminarians. CMI Journal, 1988, 2, 21-28.

Vatican to Gays: Grow Up! Southern Voice, December 9, 2005, p. 23.

Needless Death in Iraq

The Ruse of "Ex-gay"